0116 255 1527

Peter Tew and Co.


Under Offer

Property Type



Under Offer

Square foot size



17 & 17a Leicester Road, Wigston, Leicester, LE18 1NR


The premises occupy a prominent position fronting Leicester Road adjoining Perfect Pizza and Hunters Estate Agents.  To the rear of the property there is a small yard area.  The accommodation includes the first floor residential flat.



Ground floor retail shop occupied by The Health Store.



The Accommodation comprises in detail and the following dimensions are approximate:-

Ground Floor Retail Premises 42.82 sq m 461 sq ft
First Floor Residential Flat 43.94 sq.m. 473 sq ft


Business Rates/Council Tax

The premises are assessed as follows:-


Local Authority:  Oadby and Wigston

Rateable Value:  £10,000

Council Tax:  Band A


The rate liability may, however, be subject to transitional arrangements and we would advise that individual parties satisfy themselves as to the likely rates payable from the date of occupation by contacting the Local Authority.



We understand the premises have a permitted use for retail sales with ancillary residential accommodation above.



Mains gas, electricity, water and drainage are connected to the property.  Peter Tew & Company have not tested any service/installations and cannot provide a guarantee of their condition. Parties should investigate these facilities to their own satisfaction.


Fixtures & Fittings

All landlords fixtures and fittings within the property on completion are to be included within the sale.


Energy Performance Certificate

Ground Floor Band:  C



The property is available on a freehold basis subject to the following lease:-

The property is held on a lease for a term of 5 years from 1 July 2019, expiring on 30 June 2024.  Rental Passing for The Health Store is £13,000 pax.  Peter Tew and Company are unable to provide a guarantee with regard to the title of the property.  Parties should instruct their solicitor to investigate the title to their own satisfaction.


Legal Costs:

Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction.


Sale Price:

£225,000 (Two Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Pounds).



VAT will not be charged on the sale price.


Subject to Contract:

Interested parties are advised to check with ourselves that these particulars have not been altered or amended in any way since they were issued.



Strictly by appointment with the sole agent.

Contact:  Julie / Charlotte   T: 0116 2551527   E:  julie@petertew.co.uk


Money Laundering:

In accordance with anti-money laundering regulations, two forms of identification and confirmation of the source of funding will be required from the successful purchaser.  This evidence will be required prior to solicitors being instructed in the purchase or sale of a property.


Subject to Contract/ Subject to Lease

All transactions are stated exclusive of VAT

Interested parties are advised to check with ourselves that these particulars have not been

altered or amended in any way since they were issued.

Important Information

Peter Tew for themselves and for vendors or lessors of the property whose agents they are, give notice that; (i) these particulars do not constitute any part of any offer or contract; (ii) the particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intended purchasers or lessees and do not constitute part of, an offer of contract; (iii) all descriptions, dimensions references to condition and necessary permission for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intended purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; (iv) no person in the employment of Peter Tew and Co has any authority to give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property; (v) we have not tested any services, central heating installations, plumbing installations or electrical installations and therefore purchasers or tenants should undertake independent investigations as to condition of all services and mechanical/engineering installations; (vi) all rentals and prices are quoted exclusive of vat.  Intending purchasers or tenants must satisfy themselves as to the applicable vat position if necessary by taking appropriate independent professional advice; (vii) any site boundaries shown are indicative only (viii) Peter Tew and Co will not be liable for any loss arising from the use of these particulars.

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